Ham Equipment Sale

Posted on: Wed, 12/13/2023 - 18:20 By: VE7JXC

Date: Sunday March 17 2024

Location: Pace E Waste 105 Martin Street Penticton

Time: 10 AM - 1 PM

Tables: 12 to 15 tables

Testing Station: with power supplies, antennas, dummy loads, etc.

Contact: Scott ve7 jke at gmail.com 

OCARC Hamwan Highspeed Backbone

Posted on: Sat, 11/25/2023 - 16:44 By: VE7JXC

The Okanagan Hamwan Highspeed Backbone has been expanding. This last year (2023), the Okanagan to Campbell link was upgraded to being an backbone connection.

Also in 2023 the equipment for the Landmark to Westbank backbone was aquired, this will be installed as soon as the new tower is installed in West Kelowna.

The next phase will be the Campbell to Peachland to Kuipers with a another phase of Blacknight to Silverstar to Turtle. The added phases will add redundancy to the network.


Hamwan Backbone

CNIB Amateur Radio Program

Posted on: Sat, 11/25/2023 - 16:42 By: VE7JXC

CNIB is requesting a donation from our club. We are not in a place to respond directly to the request but we have in the past undertook to receive and forward donations from the membership. Without in person meetings the logistics of this are difficult.

If club members would like to donate to CNIB please visit their website and click on the Donate button in the upper right corner of their webpage.

Their Amateur Radio program provides:

  • assistance in obtaining equipment
  • helps to train new operators 
  • helps prepare operators to pass the required Radio License exams  

Little White Repeater Update #2

Posted on: Tue, 10/31/2023 - 13:50 By: VE7JXC

Another visit to the Little White repeater and the repeater/duplexer/cabinet was replaced. This was phase two of the updates to the location.

The replacement repeater runs with Access (Encode) Tone 88.5 and Optional Squelch Tone 88.5

Little White

Little White Repeater Update

Posted on: Fri, 10/27/2023 - 16:35 By: VE7JXC

We are testing the replacement repeater for the Little White repeater. Currently, the replacement repeater is at the valley bottom and the mountain top repeater is turned off. The plans are to have the replacement repeater at the mountain top site within the next week.

The replacement repeater runs with Access (Encode) Tone 88.5 and Optional Squelch Tone 88.5

We have replaced the batteries and this is stage two of the project.

October General Meeting - October 26 @ 7:30 PM

Posted on: Thu, 10/26/2023 - 20:16 By: VE7JXC

Please plan to join us on Thursday night for the next OCARC general meeting, October  26 @ 7:30 PM.

Main Kelowna Firehall, side meeting room, 2255 Enterprise Way @ 1930 hours.

Club Membership Benefits

Posted on: Thu, 10/26/2023 - 20:07 By: VE7JXC

A benefit of being a club member is finding help from other members.

Many thanks to VE7EQN - Chris, VE7ENP - Tom , VE7VZ – Doug and VE7JXC - John with the antenna removal - Don Yule.








JOTA 2023

Posted on: Thu, 10/26/2023 - 20:02 By: VE7JXC

Googd Day,

Thank you all for your time effort in making this year’s JOTA a success!  Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience to a younger generation. 

Thanks again!

Mike Fleming ve7fi

September General Meeting - September 28 @ 7:30 PM

Posted on: Mon, 09/18/2023 - 04:32 By: VE7JXC

Our next general meeting is September 28 at 7:30 PM.

With our current forest fire situation and not knowing if the firehall would be available for the general meeting. (Currently in use as an EOC).

We will be meeting at:

1628 Dickson Avenue (Landmark 4 building) basement boardroom

There are two ways to enter, as shown on the attached image.

(a) If you’re comfortable taking a single flight of stairs down, follow arrow A to enter the building via the basement entrance (the main entrance will be locked)

(b) If you prefer step-free access, follow arrow B and park in the underground parking lot (free) where you can enter the basement door without any stairs

Landmark 4



Equipment For Sale

Posted on: Wed, 09/13/2023 - 18:16 By: VE7JXC

The following equipment are for sale, contact information is at the end.

Collins 75A2 HF Communications Receiver - $150
The Collins 75A-2 HF is a high quality amateur band receiver.
Collins 75A-2 Receiver #1Collins 75A-2 Receiver #2

Collins 75A-2 Receiver #3


Hammarlund SP-600 - $75
HF rCommunications Receiver.
Hammerlund Model SP-600 #1Hammerlund Model SP-600 #2


Heathkit HD-15 - $10
Hybrid Phone Patch
Heathkit HD-15 Hybrid Phone PatchHeathkit HD-15 Hybrid Phone Patch #2


Heathkit IP-2715 Battery Eliminator - $25
Heathkit IP-2715 Battery Eliminator


Communications Receiver HF/VHF/UHF/FM/AM
Icom IC-R7000 Communications RX #1Icom IC-R7000 Communications RX #2


ICOM TV-R7000 TV RX Adapter - $20
ICOM TV-R7000 TV RX Adapter


ITT Mackay Marine Reciver 3031A (needs some repair) - $150
The 3031A is a fully synthesized, dual conversion, maritime and fixed station communications receiver.
ITT Mackay Marine Reciever Type 3031A


Kenwood R2000 HF Communications Reciver - $200
Kenwood R-2000 Communications RX


Kenwood TS-450S HF Transciever - SOLD
Kenwood TS-450S HF Transceiver


Mast Base - SOLD
Mast Base


Midland 77-202B CB Radio - $20
Midland 77-202B CB Radio #1Midland 77-202B CB Radio #2


RCAF Type GR-10 HF Communications Reciever - $100
RCAF Type GR-10 Communications RX #1RCAF Type GR-10 Communications RX #2


Realistic TRC-850 CB Base Station - $25
Realistic TRC-850 CB Base Station #1Realistic TRC-850 CB Base Station #2


Trio Model 9R-50 HF Communications Receiver - $30
Trio Model 9R-50 Communications RX #1Trio Model 9R-50 Communications RX #2


Zurich DPS-2512M - SOLD
8-Amp 120-V 60-Hertz DC Power Supply
Zurieh DSP-2512M


Contact Susan 



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