Amateur Radio Course Study Guides

Posted on: Mon, 01/04/2021 - 18:31 By: VE7JXC

Radio Amateurs of Canada offers the study guides to help you learn everything you need need to pass your exam and have fun with Amateur Radio.

We have the Basic and Advance guides in stock, save on shipping and get your guides locally,

We also have some good news for those folks who have been wanting to take their Amateur Radio Certificate exams, but are not sure of what to do under the Covid restrictions. Our local examiner has conducted exams remotely using Skype.

Use of Electronic Devices while Driving

Posted on: Tue, 11/17/2020 - 18:06 By: VE7JXC

With distracted driving ticket hitting the news outlets again, here's some information for British Columbia Radio Amateurs: article Ticketed for doing our jobs

BC Motor Vehicle Act Use of Electronic Devices while Driving

BC Motor Vehicle Act Use of Electronic Devices While Driving Regulation

British Columbia, the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) defines British Columbia road laws and delegates authority to the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles to regulate driver behaviour. Since January 1, 2010, amendments to the MVA have prohibited the use of hand-held electronic devices while driving. PDF file which many members carry in their vehicle.

RAC Distracted Driving Regulations in Canada

73, save driving

Canadian Basic Amateur Radio Course (Online)

Posted on: Mon, 10/05/2020 - 04:38 By: VE7JXC

Registration is now open for the course (10 online sessions) to prepare for the Canadian Basic Amateur Radio exam starting NOVEMBER 1, 2020!

Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter RFI Problems

Posted on: Mon, 08/17/2020 - 04:20 By: VE7JXC

Being new to Amateur Radio like most people, we start with VHF and UHF and then move to HF. Enjoying the VHF and UHF bands I decided to try HF and FT8. I got a HF radio, installed a 40 meter loop antenna in the attic and started to make contacts.

My neighbour called shortly after I started with FT8, he was wondering if I had an idea why one of their house circuits would trip, this was an arc fault circuit breaker. We discussed some ideas to try, but didn't solve the problem. 

After being away for a week I'm back on FT8 and he texts me, are you on your radio? Yes. What band are you on? 20 meters. I then get a phone call.

Short story, when ever I broadcast on 20 meters his circuit breaker trips.

Doing some Google searches I find many articles including It seams Eaton AFCI breakers were found to be particularly sensitive on 20m, 17m, 15m, and 12m bands for tripping Arc Fault circuit breakers.

I have the same breaker in our house and only one breaker is tripping in his house.

There are stories of Eaton replacing the faulty circuit breakers for free, for the time being I'm not broadcasting on 20m.




They took awhile to arrive and then some more time to install. Today, I've been transmitting on 20m for over 5 minutes and neither breaker has tripped. Looks like the breakers from Eaton (free) has solved the problem, now I can start working 20m again.




Annual General Meeting 2020

Posted on: Mon, 06/15/2020 - 15:32 By: VE7JXC

At the Membership meeting held May 28,2020 a resolution was made that, in accordance with guidance provided by the provincial government as a result of the Covid 19 epidemic, the Annual General Meeting of OCARC Club Meeting previously announced for June 25 at 19:30 will be conducted using our Virtual Meeting platform Jitsi with a back channel on the Dilworth Repeater 146.680.

Watch your email for details.

Dilworth Mountain VHF Repeater

Posted on: Thu, 06/04/2020 - 16:17 By: VE7JXC

The Dilworth Mountain VHF Repeater will require 88.5 Hz tone for transmit and receive for future use. 

RAC is considering offering more online Amateur Radio courses

Posted on: Fri, 05/22/2020 - 00:24 By: VE7JXC

Survey being conducted to determine demand: Ends June 21

In response to the current global pandemic, Radio Amateurs of Canada organized an online Advanced Amateur Radio Certification Course in March 2020 so that individuals could upgrade their qualifications while continuing to practice social/physical distancing.

The new course was offered to RAC Maple Leaf Operator Members – both current and future – as described in the course requirements/survey.

if there is interest on the part of at least 7 individuals to acquire the Advanced Manual, or a combination of Advanced and Basic Manuals the club could order them at a cost to individual of $50.00 each. (To order individually from the publisher (Coax Publishing) they cost $65.00 plus with shipping and taxes)

Tech Meeting

Posted on: Tue, 04/07/2020 - 23:26 By: VE7JXC

In lieu of tonight's (2020-04-07) tech meeting Tom Apps has stepped up to hold an on the air get together tonight at 1900 hours on the Dilworth repeater 146.680

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